We started out the day by reveiwing the concepts of squash and stretch when cartooning. Mr. Mike showed a short video on someone drawing  from 100 years ago.  It showed Winsor McKay's  hand  drawing and sketching.  Then he made the sketches look like they were moving.  He made 4,000 drawings in one month.  It shows how animation began. The students loved this old film.  Harry Hausen is another artist to look up if you are interested in drawing and animation.  We have four new students today. The total today is 24.  It is a great number to work with.  We  handed out bazooka gum to each student and shared our comics.  Great way to start out class!  The class continued with making flip books. The second execise "challenge" was called-"Taking a Line For a Walk"-draw a dot then on the next paper draw another dot up and etc. etc.  Fill up the entire page with one line. It will look like you are actually drawing a line. By the way-our trail mix snacks and water was very yummy!!  Mr. Rinderle stepped in ans started teaching facial expressions. It was a blast!!!!

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